Privacy policy

The Clinic for pediatric medicine Helena is the owner of This Privacy Statement is create to show you the privacy of our users to inform them of how to collect and process your personal information on this website.

Data collection

Personal information is any information that can identify an individual. An individual whose identity can be identified is a person who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular with the help of identifiers such as name, identification number, location information, network identifier, or with the help of one or more factors that are physical, physiological, genetic, the economic, cultural or social identity of that individual.

We collect personal information only when you give us such information with your will. We collect information about you when filling out a contact form.

You should keep in mind that personal information and data can be automatically collected through our Internet servers or by using “cookies”. Examples of your site usage information include: most visited and most viewed pages and links on our website, number of completed forms, time spent on the page, most popular keywords that lead users to our site, IP address, information collected through cookies, devices such as hardware settings, system activity, browser types, etc.

Data Processing

Products made about you are used in one or more of the following purposes:

  • personalizing your user experience (gathered information helps us to better respond to your individual needs);
  • enhancements to our website (we are constantly trying to improve our website’s offer based on feedback we receive from of our visitors);
  • establishing a primary channel of communication with you;
  • occasional email submissions (concerning occasional news receiving (if you like), updates;
  • information about similar products or services, etc.) third party links

Using cookies

In order to find out how to use cookies, read our cookie policy at

Your Privacy Policy

To protect the personal information you submit through this website, we use physical, technical, and organizational security measures. We are constantly upgrading and testing our security technology. We restrict access to your personal information only to employees who need to know this information to provide you with some benefits or services. In addition, we educate our employees about the importance of confidentiality of the data and to protect the privacy and protection of your data.

Storage and deadline for storing data

We keep personal information stored and protected all the time while stored with us. The personal information you provide us for business or contact purposes is used solely for business purposes based on your consent, except for the information we are required to keep under legal or legal grounds.

Individual Rights

If you want to know if we own and process your personal information, or if you want to access them, please contact us at You can also request information about: the purpose of data processing, the categories of personal data processed. You may request termination of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. In many countries you have the right to file a complaint with the data protection authority if you are not happy with how we handle your personal information. If technically feasible, we will, on the basis of your request, provide you with your personal information or transfer them directly to another processing manager; who is still outside of our company received your personal information from us; which is the source of personal data (if you have not provided us directly); and how long we will keep the data. You have the right to correct personal information we possess if they are incorrect. You can also, with certain exceptions, request deletion of the same.

If you apply to send us your personal information at, we will satisfy this request for free. If we can not meet your request within a reasonable time, we will notify you of the date when we will comply with the request. If for some reason we can meet your request, we’ll send you an explanation of why we did not meet your request.

Notification of personal data violation

In the event of a personal data breach, we will notify you and the competent supervisory body by email within 72 hours of the extent of the violation, the data contained therein, the potential impact on our services and our planned data security measures and the limitation of any harmful effects individuals.

We will not notify the violation of the same in case:

  • if there are technical and organizational protection measures (such as encryption) applied to personal data affected by personal data breaches, which make this information incomprehensible to any person who is not authorized to access them
  • if we have taken further measures to ensure that it is no longer likely to be at high risk for individuals’ rights and freedoms;
  • if this would be a disproportionate effort (in this case, we will notify you through means of public disclosure or similar equally effective measures).

Violation of personal data means a security breach that leads to unintentional or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to personal data transmitted, stored and processed in connection with the provision of our services.


To take into account the importance of protecting the privacy of children on our website, we do not collect, process or use any information about persons we are known to be under the age of 18 without the prior and credible attorney of the legal representative. The legal representative has the right and may request access to information provided by the child and may require that they be wiped out.

Your Privilege

By using this website, you are granting access to this privacy policy.

Changes to our Privacy Policy
In the event of a change in our privacy policy we will notify you about this on this page and update the privacy policy change date below as follows.

This privacy policy was last updated on 15.02.2019.

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Poliklinika Helena
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